Results for 'Alejandra Corredera Fernández'

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  1.  15
    MARIN, Higinio, Civismo y ciudadanía, Madrid: La Huerta Grande, 2019, 169 páginas.Alejandra Corredera Fernández - 2021 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 26 (2):174-176.
    Reseña MARIN, Higinio, Civismo y ciudadanía, Madrid: La Huerta Grande, 2019, 169 páginas.
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    Initiatives towards a participatory smart city. The role of digital grassroots innovations.Alejandra Boni, Aurora López-Fogués, Álvaro Fernández-Baldor, Gynna Millan & Sergio Belda-Miquel - 2019 - Journal of Global Ethics 15 (2):168-182.
    ABSTRACTIn this paper we explore the role of Digital Grassroots Innovation in the construction of a more participatory smart city. 18 DGIs from four Spanish cities (Santander, Valencia, Bilba...
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    Emotion terms, category structure, and the problem of translation: The case of shame and vergüenza.Alejandra Hurtado de Mendoza, José Miguel Fernández-Dols, W. Gerrod Parrott & Pilar Carrera - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (4):661-680.
    We conducted three studies aimed at showing that one-to-one translations between emotion terms might be comparing independent or barely overlapping categories of emotional experience. In Study 1 we found that the speakers' most accessible features of two supposedly equivalent emotions terms (shame and vergüenza) were very different. In Study 2, American and Spanish speakers' typicality ratings of 25 out of 29 constitutive features of “shame” or “vergüenza” were significantly different. In Study 3, these important differences in the content and internal (...)
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    Cuantificación de Los residuos E incertidumbre asociada a la aplicación de clorpirifos en huerto de Manzano en edad temprana.Julio Junod Montano, Alejandra Contreras Fernandez, Maria Pia Gianelli Barra & Marco Sandoval Estrada - 2011 - Theoria: Revista Ciencia, Arte y Humanidades 20 (2):21-28.
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    Reseña "Rostro y Filosofía de América Latina" de Arturo Roig.Estela Fernández Nadal & Alejandra Ciriza - 2012 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 17 (59):134-137.
  6.  13
    Manifiesto Eikasía.Grupo Eikasía, Alberto Hidalgo Tuñón, Fernando Miguel Pérez Herranz, Silverio Sánchez Corredera, Ricardo Sánchez Ortiz de Urbina, Marcos García-Rovés & Román García Fernández - 2008 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 18:1-12.
    Conviene subrayar en la época de la ciencia, cuando las prácticas más aberrantes y las especulaciones más desaforadas compiten por arrogarse el título de ciencias, que la filosofía no es una ciencia, ni necesita serlo para ejercer sus funciones críticas. No obstante, mantiene una relación íntima y constante con las ciencias desde sus orígenes hasta nuestros días (relación histórica), utiliza el mismo instrumento metodológico, la razón crítica (relación metódica) y recorre el mismo ámbito de la experiencia cognoscitiva humana (relación sistemática). (...)
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  7. Expectations and Experiences With Online Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic in University Students.Karla Lobos, Rubia Cobo-Rendón, Javier Mella-Norambuena, Alejandra Maldonado-Trapp, Carolyn Fernández Branada & Carola Bruna Jofré - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Due to COVID-19, university students continued their academic training remotely. To assess the effects of emergency remote teaching, we evaluated the expectations and, subsequently, the experiences of university students about online education. This study employed a simple prospective design as its method. We assessed the expectations of 1,904 students from different discipline areas during the beginning of the first semester, March 2020, and their experiences at the end of the same academic period, September 2020. We used convenience non-probability sampling. Participants (...)
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    Professors' Expectations About Online Education and Its Relationship With Characteristics of University Entrance and Students' Academic Performance During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Karla Lobos Peña, Claudio Bustos-Navarrete, Rubia Cobo-Rendón, Carolyn Fernández Branada, Carola Bruna Jofré & Alejandra Maldonado Trapp - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Due to COVID-19, universities have been facing challenges in generating the best possible experience for students with online academic training programs. To analyze professors' expectations about online education and relate them to student academic performance during the COVID-19 pandemic, and considering the socio-demographic, entry, and prior university performance variables of students. A prospective longitudinal design was used to analyze the expectations of 546 professors in T1. In T2, the impact of the expectations of 382 of these professors was analyzed, who (...)
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    Factor structure, internal consistency and construct validity of the Sheehan Disability Scale in a Spanish primary care sample.Juan V. Luciano, Jordan Bertsch, Luis Salvador-Carulla, José M. Tomás, Ana Fernández, Alejandra Pinto-Meza, Josep M. Haro, Diego J. Palao & Antoni Serrano-Blanco - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (5):895-901.
  10.  14
    Macedonio Fernández: su tesis inédita De las personas.Marisa Alejandra Muñoz - 2010 - Cuyo 27:129-159.
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  11. Cenas calientes y frías...: un comedor social en el corazón de Madrid: Hermandad del Refugio.Virginia Fernández Aguinaco - 2011 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 61 (975):81-84.
    La Sede de la santa, Pontificia y Real Hermandad del Refugio y Piedad de Madrid, está situada a poca distancia de la Gran Vía, entre la calle Puebla, la corredera Baja de San Pablo y la calle de la Ballesta. Una zona muy poblada, de calles estrechas, edificios históricos, viviendas pobres o muy modestas, pequeños comercios y lugar de tráfico� Zona muy degradada en tiempos y que el Ayuntamiento ha tratado de mejorar en los últimos años. La Sede es (...)
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  12. The intentionality of memory.Jordi Fernández - 2006 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 84 (1):39-57.
    The purpose of this essay is to determine how we should construe the content of memories or, in other words, to determine what the intentional objects of memory are.1 The issue that will concern us is, then, analogous to the traditional philosophical question of whether perception directly puts us in cognitive contact with entities in the world or with entities in our own minds. As we shall see, there are some interesting aspects of the phenomenology and the epistemology of memory, (...)
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  13.  32
    Emotion and Expression: Naturalistic Studies.José-Miguel Fernández-Dols & Carlos Crivelli - 2013 - Emotion Review 5 (1):24-29.
    Do basic emotions produce their predicted facial expressions in nonlaboratory settings? Available studies in naturalistic settings rarely test causation, but do show a surprisingly weak correlation between emotions and their predicted facial expressions. This evidence from field studies is more consistent with facial behavior having many causes, functions, and meanings, as opposed to their being fixed signals of basic emotion.
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    (1 other version)Regulation, Normativity and Folk Psychology.Victor Fernandez Castro - 2017 - Topoi 39 (1):57-67.
    Recently, several scholars have argued in support of the idea that folk psychology involves a primary capacity for regulating our mental states and patterns of behavior in accordance with a bunch of shared social norms and routines :259–281, 2015; Zawidzki, Philosophical Explorations 11:193–210, 2008; Zawidzki, Mindshaping: A new framework for understanding human social cognition, MIT Press, Cambridge, 2013). This regulative view shares with the classical Dennettian intentional stance its emphasis on the normative character of human socio-cognitive capacities. Given those similarities, (...)
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  15.  49
    How Redundant Are Redundant Color Adjectives? An Efficiency-Based Analysis of Color Overspecification.Paula Rubio-Fernández - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  16.  34
    Overinformative Speakers Are Cooperative: Revisiting the Gricean Maxim of Quantity.Paula Rubio-Fernandez - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (11):e12797.
    A pragmatic account of referential communication is developed which presents an alternative to traditional Gricean accounts by focusing on cooperativeness and efficiency, rather than informativity. The results of four language‐production experiments support the view that speakers can be cooperative when producing redundant adjectives, doing so more often when color modification could facilitate the listener's search for the referent in the visual display (Experiment 1a). By contrast, when the listener knew which shape was the target, speakers did not produce redundant color (...)
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    (1 other version)Social Cognition: a Normative Approach.Víctor Fernández Castro & Manuel Heras-Escribano - 2019 - Acta Analytica 35 (1):75-100.
    The main aim of this paper is to introduce an approach for understanding social cognition that we call the normative approach to social cognition. Such an approach, which results from a systematization of previous arguments and ideas from authors such as Ryle, Dewey, or Wittgenstein, is an alternative to the classic model and the direct social perception model. In section 2, we evaluate the virtues and flaws of these two models. In section 3, we introduce the normative approach, according to (...)
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  18. Desire and self-knowledge.Jordi Fernández - 2007 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 85 (4):517 – 536.
    In this paper, I propose an account of self-knowledge for desires. According to this account, we form beliefs about our own desires on the basis of our grounds for those desires. First, I distinguish several types of desires and their corresponding grounds. Next, I make the case that we usually believe that we have a certain desire on the basis of our grounds for it. Then, I argue that a belief formed thus is epistemically privileged. Finally, I compare this account (...)
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  19.  82
    Cultural evolutionary pragmatics: Investigating the codevelopment and coevolution of language and social cognition.Paula Rubio-Fernandez - 2024 - Psychological Review 131 (1):18-35.
  20. Self-deception and self-knowledge.Jordi Fernández - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 162 (2):379-400.
    The aim of this paper is to provide an account of a certain variety of self-deception based on a model of self-knowledge. According to this model, one thinks that one has a belief on the basis of one’s grounds for that belief. If this model is correct, then our thoughts about which beliefs we have should be in accordance with our grounds for those beliefs. I suggest that the relevant variety of self deception is a failure of self-knowledge wherein the (...)
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  21. Self‐Knowledge, Rationality and Moore's Paradox.Jordi Fernández - 2007 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 71 (3):533-556.
    I offer a model of self‐knowledge that provides a solution to Moore's paradox. First, I distinguish two versions of the paradox and I discuss two approaches to it, neither of which solves both versions of the paradox. Next, I propose a model of self‐knowledge according to which, when I have a certain belief, I form the higher‐order belief that I have it on the basis of the very evidence that grounds my first‐order belief. Then, I argue that the model in (...)
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  22.  55
    Effective Elements to Establish an Ethical Infrastructure: An Exploratory Study of SMEs in the Madrid Region.José Luis Fernández & Javier Camacho - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 138 (1):113-131.
    The purpose of this study is to identify the elements that can be implemented to achieve an ethical infrastructure, in small and medium enterprises. The ethical infrastructure is considered as a set of formal and informal systems, leadership, climate and culture, related to ethical issues. The research was carried out through interviews and focus groups with managers from 28 companies in Madrid, all signatories to the Global Compact. The identified key elements in SMEs are leadership, informal managerial and formal communication. (...)
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  23. Inner Speech and Metacognition: a defense of the commitment-based approach.Víctor Fernández Castro - 2019 - Logos and Episteme: An International Journal of Epistemology (3):245-261.
    A widespread view in philosophy claims that inner speech is closely tied to human metacognitive capacities. This so-called format view of inner speech considers that talking to oneself allows humans to gain access to their own mental states by forming metarepresentation states through the rehearsal of inner utterances (section 2). The aim of this paper is to present two problems to this view (section 3) and offer an alternative view to the connection between inner speech and metacognition (section 4). According (...)
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  24. Memory, past and self.Jordi Fernández - 2008 - Synthese 160 (1):103 - 121.
    The purpose of this essay is to determine how we should construe the content of memories. First, I distinguish two features of memory that a construal of mnemic content should respect. These are the ‘attribution of pastness’ feature (a subject is inclined to believe of those events that she remembers that they happened in the past) and the ‘attribution of existence’ feature (a subject is inclined to believe that she existed at the time that those events that she remembers took (...)
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  25.  33
    The polytopologies of transfinite provability logic.David Fernández-Duque - 2014 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 53 (3-4):385-431.
    Provability logics are modal or polymodal systems designed for modeling the behavior of Gödel’s provability predicate and its natural extensions. If Λ is any ordinal, the Gödel-Löb calculus GLPΛ contains one modality [λ] for each λ < Λ, representing provability predicates of increasing strength. GLPω has no non-trivial Kripke frames, but it is sound and complete for its topological semantics, as was shown by Icard for the variable-free fragment and more recently by Beklemishev and Gabelaia for the full logic. In (...)
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  26. Schopenhauer’s Pessimism.Jordi Fernández - 2006 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 73 (3):646–664.
    My purpose in this essay is to clarify and evaluate Arthur Schopenhauer's grounds for the view that happiness is impossible. I shall distinguish two of his arguments for that view and argue that both of them are unsound. Both arguments involve premises grounded on a problematic view, namely, that desires have no objects. What makes this view problematic is that, in each of the two arguments, it conflicts with Schopenhauer's grounds for other premises in the argument. I shall then propose (...)
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  27.  46
    Pragmatic markers: the missing link between language and Theory of Mind.Paula Rubio-Fernandez - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):1125-1158.
    Language and Theory of Mind come together in communication, but their relationship has been intensely contested. I hypothesize that pragmatic markers connect language and Theory of Mind and enable their co-development and co-evolution through a positive feedback loop, whereby the development of one skill boosts the development of the other. I propose to test this hypothesis by investigating two types of pragmatic markers: demonstratives and articles. Pragmatic markers are closed-class words that encode non-representational information that is unavailable to consciousness, but (...)
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  28.  26
    Well-orders in the transfinite Japaridze algebra.D. Fernandez-Duque & J. J. Joosten - 2014 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 22 (6):933-963.
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    The expressive function of folk psychology.Victor Fernandez Castro - 2017 - Filosofia Unisinos 18 (1).
    The aim of this paper is to present a challenge to the received view in folk psychology. According to this challenge, the semantic assumption behind the received view, which considers that propositional attitude ascriptions are descriptions of the internal causally efficacious states underlying behavior, cannot account for the main function of reasons in terms of mental states.
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  30.  32
    Una lectura perspectivista de la neurofenomenología: Francisco Varela Y Ronald Giere.Ricardo Mejía Fernández - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 14:167.
    El autor realiza una lectura en clave perspectivista de la neurofenomenología, enfoque transdisciplinar y metodológico iniciado a mediados de los 90 por el neurobiólogo Francisco J. Varela desde el ámbito experimental de las ciencias de la mente. La originalidad del artículo reside en que estudia comparativamente el problemático entrecruce de la neurofenomenología de Varela con el perspectivismo científico de Ronald N. Giere, mostrándonos que la neurofenomenología no sólo lo antecedió cronológicamente, sino que fue mucho más radical al tener en cuenta (...)
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  31. Filosofía, método y otros prismas: historia y actualidad de los problemas filosóficos.David Fernández Navas (ed.) - 2022
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  32. Peircean Habits and the Life of Symbols.Eliseo Fernández - 2010 - Semiotics:98-109.
  33.  22
    “El hombre no tiene naturaleza”. Un examen de la metafísica orteguiana.Marcos Alonso Fernández - 2020 - Revista de Filosofía 45 (1):69-85.
    Este artículo trata de analizar la célebre frase orteguiana “e_l hombre no tiene naturaleza, sino que tiene… historia_” dentro del contexto de su obra, mostrando su génesis y su evolución, así como las interpretaciones que se le han venido dando a la misma. Junto a este análisis, se mostrará también la importancia de esta idea dentro de la filosofía de Ortega, así como la relevancia que estas ideas podrían tener para una posible reforma de la metafísica tradicional.
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    The Phenomenology of Psychopathological Embodiment: A Critique of Thomas Fuch's Concept of Corporealization.Anthony Vincent Fernandez - 2016 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 23 (3-4):50-75.
    In this article I offer a critical analysis and evaluation of Thomas Fuchs' concept of corporealization, as well as the Leib/Körper distinction (i.e. the distinction between the lived and corporeal body) that it is founded upon. First, I show that the foundational concepts -- Leib and Körper -- are problematically heterogeneous, each including a diverse set of phenomena requiring further delineation and clarification. Second, I consider the historical origins of this heterogeneity and ambiguity within Fuchs' work. I show that Fuchs' (...)
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  35.  18
    On the negative social effects of exaggerated distrust and paranoid cognition.Rodrigo Gonzalez-Fernandez - 2022 - Cinta de Moebio 75:159-171.
    Abstract:In view of Kramer’s theory about paranoid cognition, this paper examines how exaggerated distrustand such cognition produce important negative effects upon social reality. The first section dealswith Searle’s theory of social reality, and how it is basically explained in terms of one world ofphysical particles and groups of intentional agents performing “we” actions. The aim of this sectionis to show that the “we” actions of collective intentionality allow fundamental social practices,namely, those related to institutions. Looking at trust, cooperation, and collective (...)
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    The Presence of Business Ethics and CSR in the Higher Education Curricula for Executives.José Luis Fernández Fernández & Anna Bajo Sanjuán - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 7:25-38.
    This paper analyses the study plans and programmes offered in Spain to present and future businesspeople and executives in the academic year 2009-10. These offerings represent business administration studies in all Spanish universities, as well as postgraduate programmes taught by the universities themselves and/or other business schools. This is of special relevance because there are few data for assessing how our executives are trained, even though such data areessential to any attempt to improve corporate performance. Clearly, business ethics, corporate social (...)
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  37.  25
    Dominio y moral.Ricardo Cueva Fernández - 2021 - Endoxa 48:107-125.
    La obra de Karl Marx ha sido objeto de examen en relación con su posible perspectiva ética. Los distintos académicos han divergido en gran manera en tal análisis, resultando que en unos supuestos se ha rechazado cualquier tipo de propósito normativo en Marx y en otros, en cambio, se ha destacado su fuerte compromiso moral. Para contrastar los resultados de unos y otros en sus investigaciones, el presente artículo ha hecho balance de los principales títulos, panfletos y volúmenes del pensador (...)
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    Qualitative and Quantitative Examples of Natural and Artificial Phenomena.Antoni Hernández-Fernández - 2021 - Biosemiotics 14 (2):377-390.
    The dichotomy between the qualitative and the quantitative has been a classic throughout the history of science. As will be seen, this dichotomy permeates all ontological levels of reality. In this work, phenomenological examples potentially related to semiosis are presented at the different levels established by Mario Bunge and Josep Ferrater Mora, contrasting the qualitative categorizations with the quantifiable physical reality. Likewise, the need to continue in the quantification of the biosemiotic and linguistic studies will be presented, while, in contrast, (...)
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    Dynamic topological logic of metric spaces.David Fernández-Duque - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (1):308-328.
    Dynamic Topological Logic ( $\mathcal{DTL}$ ) is a modal framework for reasoning about dynamical systems, that is, pairs 〈X, f〉 where X is a topological space and f: X → X a continuous function. In this paper we consider the case where X is a metric space. We first show that any formula which can be satisfied on an arbitrary dynamic topological system can be satisfied on one based on a metric space; in fact, this space can be taken to (...)
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    Educating Honorable Warriors.Susan Martinelli-Fernandez - 2006 - Journal of Military Ethics 5 (1):55-66.
    Kant is not typically considered a major figure in the just war tradition's canon, although his work has informed recent discussions about international justice and just war theory. More specifically, philosophers have suggested that Kant's work may provide a coherent, normatively practical just war theory, basing this claim, in the main, on his views on the goal of peace and its purpose of establishing a cosmopolitan civil society.1 Such discussions are mostly concerned with jus ad bellum and jus in bello (...)
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    Canadian Research Ethics Board Leadership Attitudes to the Return of Genetic Research Results to Individuals and Their Families.Conrad V. Fernandez, P. Pearl O'Rourke & Laura M. Beskow - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (3):514-522.
    Genomic research may uncover results that have direct actionable benefit to the individual. An emerging debate is the degree to which researchers may have responsibility to offer results to the biological relatives of the research participant. In a companion study to one carried out in the United States, we describe the attitudes of Canadian Research Ethics Board chairs to this issue and their opinions as to the role of the REB in developing related policy.
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    Explicit mechanisms do not account for implicit localization and identification of change: An empirical reply to Mitroff et al (2000).Diego Fernandez-Duque & Ian Thornton - 2003 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 29 (5).
    Several recent findings support the notion that changes in the environment can be implicitly represented by the visual system. S. R. Mitroff, D. J. Simons, and S. L. Franconeri (2002) challenged this view and proposed alternative interpretations based on explicit strategies. Across 4 experiments, the current study finds no empirical support for such alternative proposals. Experiment 1 shows that subjects do not rely on unchanged items when locating an unaware change. Experiments 2 and 3 show that unaware changes affect performance (...)
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  43.  29
    La 'imitatio' en el 'De Officiis' de Cicerón: un modelo de ciudadano para el hombre invisible.Iker Martínez Fernández - 2020 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 37 (1):1-11.
    La responsabilidad ética de las acciones de un hombre que pudiera tornarse invisible reabre en Cicerón el debate entre lo honestum y lo utile y con él la necesidad de presentar un modelo de ciudadano que vincule elementos políticos, éticos y jurídicos en orden a la conservación de una serie de valores necesarios para la convivencia. Dicho modelo se presenta en De officiis como una traducción de la filosofía de Panecio en la que el complejo término decorum adquiere una dimensión (...)
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    "Vida" como categoría litúrgica: sus justificación filosófica.Enrique González Fernández - 2014 - Salmanticensis 61 (3):445-470.
    Según la liturgia, mi vida, es decir, la de cada cual, en su realidad concreta, no es «cosa» alguna, sino proyecto, empresa, misión; acontece, se va haciendo. La tradicional perspectiva cris-tiana reclama una intensificación del conocimiento, relativamente descuidado, de lo que significa ser persona. Un peso del pensamiento helénico, ajeno al cristianismo, ha orientado al pensamiento poste-rior, filosófico y también teológico, a un «sustancialismo» que ha lle-vado a reducir la persona a un tipo muy particular de «cosa».
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    Preparing a cell for nuclear envelope breakdown: Spatio‐temporal control of phosphorylation during mitotic entry.Mónica Álvarez-Fernández & Marcos Malumbres - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (8):757-765.
    Chromosome segregation requires the ordered separation of the newly replicated chromosomes between the two daughter cells. In most cells, this requires nuclear envelope (NE) disassembly during mitotic entry and its reformation at mitotic exit. Nuclear envelope breakdown (NEB) results in the mixture of two cellular compartments. This process is controlled through phosphorylation of multiple targets by cyclin‐dependent kinase 1 (Cdk1)‐cyclin B complexes as well as other mitotic enzymes. Experimental evidence also suggests that nucleo‐cytoplasmic transport of critical cell cycle regulators such (...)
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    Remarks on the Gupta-Belnap fixed-point property for k-valued clones.José Martínez-Fernández - 2014 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 24 (1-2):118-131.
    Here, I first prove that certain families of k-valued clones have the Gupta-Belnap fixed-point property. This essentially means that all propositional languages that are interpreted with operators belonging to those clones are such that any net of self-referential sentences in the language can be consistently evaluated. I then focus on two four-valued generalisations of the Kleene propositional operators that generalise the strong and weak Kleene operators: Belnap’s clone and Fitting’s clone, respectively. I apply the theorems from the initial part of (...)
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    lugar de la estética en la estromatología de Ortiz de Urbina.Silverio Sánchez Corredera - 2024 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 122:7-42.
    Tras la publicación de Estromatología, en 2014, y de Orden oculto, en 2021, Ricardo Sánchez Ortiz de Urbina cierra su sistema filosófico, la «estromatología», con Por amor al Arte, en 2024. En el presenta artículo se estudia el encaje que esta última obra tiene en sus escritos anteriores. La estructura de la naturaleza humana se afina ahora más y, frente a ella, el lugar de la Naturaleza y la Eidética (conocimientos científicos) quedan ubicados de manera muy diferente al uso convencional. (...)
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  48.  24
    Perpetual peace and shareholder sovereignty: the political thought of José de Carvajal y Lancaster.Edward Jones Corredera - 2018 - History of European Ideas 44 (5):513-527.
    ABSTRACTThis article contributes to the recent historiography on Enlightenment plans for European peace by shedding light on the political and intellectual work of the neglected Spanish minister and intellectual José Carvajal y Lancaster. The article begins by outlining the intellectual context surrounding the War of Spanish Succession, and proceeds to analyse the ways that Carvajal deployed, both in his texts and in power, Enlightenment ideals to reform the Spanish Empire and achieve perpetual peace in Europe. The ideas of his first (...)
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    The Holy Alliance: Liberalism and the Politics of Federation, written by Isaac Nakhimovsky.Edward Jones Corredera - 2024 - Grotiana 45 (1):172-177.
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    (1 other version)Scientific ignorance.Manuela Fernández Pinto - 2019 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 34 (2):195-211.
    The aim of the paper is to clarify the concept of scientific ignorance: what is it, what are its sources, and when is it epistemically detrimental to science. While some sources of scientific ignorance come inevitably with the process of knowledge acquisition, others are deliberately created. The former includes selection processes, inductive reasoning, and cognitive biases, while the latter includes scientific fraud. Another important source of scientific ignorance appears when scientists introduce methodological biases through micro-decisions in the research process. I (...)
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